Blocked Intrusions
As of RIGHT now
WannaCry Got You Down?!
TITAN is designed to protect again Ransomware such as Wannacry!
Contact us for more details and keep your eyes dry!
It's Not A Firewall
Augmented cyber security support operating undetectably in stealth mode, defending your network in ways no firewall can match.
No Changes To Your Network
The hardware is installed in front of your firewall. There is NO CHANGE to your existing firewall and your network architecture isn’t changed or compromised in any way.
2-Minute Installation
TITAN is installed in minutes, with as little as 2 minutes of lost internet and no loss of LAN. The User Interface allows for any user rules.
Enhanced Performance
TITAN improves network throughput and combines high performance, high volume, and extremely low latency.
24/7 Cloud monitoring and support
The TITAN service also provides 24/7 monitoring of your incoming and outgoing traffic to provide the extra support that you do not have time to do.
Enhanced Compliance
TITAN helps your business achieve and remain compliant with HIPAA, SOX, PCI, and DHS standards.
Real-time analysis and self-adjusting logic make TITAN smart
TITAN is hardware and software that automatically manages and controls all incoming attacks on your network. There’s no need to program rules – TITAN is more than rules based and more than signature based. It begins learning immediately upon connection, does not depend on rules, and detects issues even when rules don’t yet exist. TITAN sits in front of your firewall, discovering previously unknown threats coming from “known and reliable sources.”
TITAN offers pre-emptive protection, running Deep Packet inspection of ALL packets (ingress AND egress) with minimal latency (1ms).
TITAN protects against embedded attacks and DDOS attacks that can compromise your data and put your operation at risk.
TITAN To Protect Your Network
The peaceful corporate network is only a firewall away from chaotic, intense, and often malicious patterns of data traffic. Firewalls provide a basic filter and a secure way to hop over a wall into the local network, but admitted data can carry all sorts of malicious software. Firewall manufacturers are starting to include more advanced features, and cloud-based services offer help watching incoming data. As a uniquely targeted, on-premises, dynamic solution, the Oasis TITAN works with existing firewalls and stays ahead of other security offerings.
Software hitchhikers are ingenious in finding beachheads in servers, PCs, mobile devices, even HVAC controllers. They arrive by the network or carried in the front door by computer users on USB memory sticks or other media. These rogue operatives can take advantage of the lightweight protections covering incoming firewall traffic, and the virtually nonexistent protections within most trusted corporate networks.
TITAN provides 24×7 data warehousing of all intrusion attempts for many months to allow the system to better protect your network with even more advanced heuristics. Remote backups of your TITAN system ensure that your TITAN is always backed up and a new TITAN system can be quickly shipped to you in case of a disaster at your facility.
TITAN is an affordable, proprietary, stand-alone, and self-contained cyber security device. It provides a non- intrusive connection to an organization’s IT network, where data traffic first enters. It is designed for optimum performance, regardless of location, network type, or operating system. TITAN is easily installed and maintained, and does not require any customization. The system is also equipped with advanced Anti-Ransomware software for added protection.
Strategic Partners in the Industry